7 Hunny Luv Zaps-Candles-Draw Love into Your Home-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Relationships, Marriage, Fidelity, Dating, Sex, Love

7 Hunny Luv Zaps-Candles-Draw Love into Your Home-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Relationships, Marriage, Fidelity, Dating, Sex, Love


A Conjured Cardea original recipe!

These zap candles make the PERFECT 7 day working. They are a convenient size, very affordable, fully dressed and scented, and you get all 7 to seal the deal! All tied up with a nice length of bamboo cord. You could even work the cord int your working too!

You will receive seven, 4 inch tall, white candles dressed in my own love drawing blend of cardamom, anise seed, cinnamon, lotus root, basil, red sandalwood, blue violet, and few secret ingredients;)

Draw your hunny in, find a new hunny, or keep your hive a buzzin' with these little gems!

Works great with my La Flamme, Queen Bee, Indian Bracelet, or Commanding Luv oils!

Try this working-it's one of my favorites!

What you need;
a saucer for the candles 
a basin for water 
a piece of paper 
a pencil 
your choice of a love-blend oil

On the first day, bathe in water to which you have added three drops of your choice of love oil. Pour the water over your head 9 times as you say, "Spirit of Love, I do this work for love and love only, that I may be loved by [name] as I myself love [him or her]. Amen." Rub upward only as you bathe and dry yourself in the air only. Collect a basin of the used bath water, which now has your essence in it. Dress in fresh clothes, carry the basin of bath-water to your front steps and throw it on them.
Then take the paper and write on it your full name and the one you love's full name in pencil, all in one stroke, without lifting the pencil from the paper, so that the two names form a circle and the end is joined to the beginning. Dress the paper with the oil.Next, saying, "Spirit of Love, I name this woman [or man] [your full name] and this man [or woman] [name of lover]. As is done to this candle, may it be done to our thoughts." Place the name-paper under the candle, then dress the candle with your saliva, saying, "[Name of lover], love me as I love you. Desire me as I desire you. Come to me as I come to you. By my loving speech and tongue, be mine as I am yours." Light the wick as you say  "Spirit of Pure Love, I burn this candle in pure love's name that I may be loved by [name] as I myself love [him or her] and that [name] will burn for my love as I burn for [his or hers]. Let our thoughts be one. Amen." Let the candle burn out. Do not clean the wax from the saucer yet.

On the 2nd day-again burn one candle, and say the prayer used above.

On the 3rd day-repeat 

On the 4th day-Dress the candle with oil. Say; "Spirit of Love, I name this woman [or man] [your full name] and this man [or woman] [name of lover]. As is done to this candle, may it be done to our hearts." Then place the candle at heart-level, saying, "[Name of lover], love me as I love you. Desire me as I desire you. Come to me as I come to you. By the link between my heart and yours, be mine as I am yours." Light the wick of the candle as you say this prayer: "Spirit of Romantic Love, I burn this candle in romantic love's name that I may be loved by [name] as I myself love [him or her] and that [name] will burn for my love as I burn for [his or hers]. Let our hearts be one. Amen." Let the candle burn out.

On the 5th day-repeat the above prayer.

On the 6th day-repeat

On the 7th day-Dress the candle and say; "Spirit of Love, I name this woman [or man] [your full name] and this man [or woman] [name of lover]. As is done to this candle, may it be done to our bodies. "[Name of lover], love me as i love you. Desire me as I desire you. Come to me as I come to you. By the nectar of my body, be mine as I am yours." Light the wick of the candle as you say this prayer: "Spirit of Passionate Love, I burn this candle in passionate love's name that I may be loved by [name] as I myself love [him or her] and that [name] will burn for my love as I burn for [his or hers]. Let our bodies be one. Amen." let the final candle burn out.

Take all of your collected wax and save it. Use a piece as necessary in a mojo beneath your mattress.

thanks for looking!


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Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022