Adam & Eve Oil-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft-Results in Love, Sex, Relationships, Marriages

Adam & Eve Oil-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft-Results in Love, Sex, Relationships, Marriages


A very old attraction formula known for it's results! Adam and Eve are a symbolic couple with a rich, well known history and are symbolic in Hoodoo.

Wear this oil as a love perfume, to attract new or put a spark in the old! Works very well for enticing new people or bringing the flame and desire back to marriages. Married women often use it to keep their husbands home and faithful. 

Try using this oil in this simple bath working;
Add three drops to the bath saying; "With drop of one the spells begun, with drop of two I have you, with drop pf three you will love only me."

Created from a base oil infused with authentic Adam and Eve roots to which orris root, alkanet root, nutmeg, apple, rose, lemon, and civet oils.

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Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022