Conjure Candle-ONE-Plain-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Wicca, Conjure-Ready For Your Workings, Loading, or Dressings

Conjure Candle-ONE-Plain-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Wicca, Conjure-Ready For Your Workings, Loading, or Dressings


I now have enough supply to be able to provide for my clients needs and demands. Affordable, SOLID color, hand-made candles for offerings and workings! The Solid color is very important as most low quality candles are only colored on the outside and white on the inside. The solid color will intensify and saturate your workings.

Choose from;
Red-Love, Sex, Power, Relationships
Orange-Success, Legal Matters, Open Roads
Yellow-Happiness, Creativity, Revitalization
Green-Fertility, Wealth, Growth, Abundance
Blue-Healing, Evil Eye, Peace
Purple-Success, Strength, Glamoury
White-Purification, Renewal, Dedication

My candles are 6 inches tall and about 3 inches around. These are not "taper" candles-they are much thicker which allows them to stand freely on a plate, bowl, ground, or holder. Remember to store your candles in a container with a clean cloth to prevent them from getting dusty and to seperate them. Then keep them in the freezer or cool basement until use so they remain fresh and keep their shape nicely. It is very important to care for your candles! They are a valuable tool!

*Upon ordering, please make sure to provide an address where your candles can be picked up promptly as the summer heat can melt them.
Listing is for ONE candle.

thanks for looking!

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022