Damiana-The Love Herb-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Aphrodisiac, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Anxiety, Relaxant, Enhances Libido, Returns Strayed Lovers

Damiana-The Love Herb-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Aphrodisiac, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Anxiety, Relaxant, Enhances Libido, Returns Strayed Lovers


Damiana is called the Love Herb because it is said to make women willing and to make men ready! For this reason, married couples use it to aid in keeping their relationship fulfilled;)

This aphrodisiac was discovered my the Mayan people who used it as a love tonic and to cure depression, as it has mild stimulant properties.

If you sprinkle damiana on the food of the one you love, it will intensify desire as it is an aphrodisiac. You may also use it in an herbal bath to attract new love, or better yet, bathe together with it! It is also said that if you carry this herb in a red mojo bag or nation sack, your straying lover will return to you. Another way to make your lover return is to soak some damiana in whiskey or wine and sprinkle the liquid on your doorstep for 21 days, starting on the full moon. Makes a lovely tea to share with your lover too! Burn on charcoal briquettes as an incense to bring visions.

Medicinally, this herb calms the nerves, regulates hormones and the digestive tract, eases menstruation and menopause symptoms, and helps poor appetite, anxiety, and exhaustion. Clinically proven to increase sexual desire.

You will receive 1 3x4 inch zip bag of freshly dried, organic, damiana from my 2010 fall harvest. If you have ever bought damiana elsewhere and ended up with dull, lifeless, brown flakes-you will receive the exact opposite form me-fresh, pungent, green full leaves and buds filled with ashe'!

thanks for looking!

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022