Dove's Heart Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Aids in softening the Heart, Ends Quarrels, Mends Relationships

Dove's Heart Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Aids in softening the Heart, Ends Quarrels, Mends Relationships


This is a great oil to have on hand. Whether you use it on yourself to promote compassion, use it in family matters, or in romantic venues, this oil has many logical uses. Provides calming relief when tensions are high or during stressful times. Calms the spirit, promotes peace, and settles matters of the heart. Great for cleansing and healing the home.

Created with honeysuckle, vanilla, peach and bay. It also contains a traditional hoodoo method of combining special ingredients to make it appear that there is a heart and blood droplets in the bottle. There is NO actual tissue or blood in this bottle! This is a traditional method used to ensure potency and authenticity to the oil, the "heart" is what gives this oil authenticity. Shake before using.

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curio only.

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022