Haitian Gambler Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Luck in All of Life's Gambles-Love, Career, Finances, Gambling

Haitian Gambler Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Luck in All of Life's Gambles-Love, Career, Finances, Gambling


A rare but famous formula! Those that use this formula never speak a word that they use it because it works so well! I would call this an all-purpose hoodoo oil-good for what ails ya! Money or love- this oil's got you! Originally a gaming oil-so it's great for casinos, lottery, and bingo.

I have a few clients that swear by this oil-it's the only one they use! This oil will not make it so you will have an advantage over the situations on your life, allowing you to better control them and have good fortune whether in love, career, finances, etc. Use on orange, green, purple, or yellow candles. Rub your hands with it and wear it as perfume when playing games, going to interviews, on a date, or before that important conversation.

I can't give you my entire recipe, as this is secret and differs from hoodoo to hoodoo. This oil does contain patchouli, vervain, allspice herbs and vanilla, strawberry, and jasmine oils. 

thanks for looking!

curio only.

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022