Kali Oil-Hoodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Hindu Goddess of Creation and Destruction, Slayer of Demons, Protection, Wisdom, Justice

Kali Oil-Hoodoo-Witchcraft-Wicca-Hindu Goddess of Creation and Destruction, Slayer of Demons, Protection, Wisdom, Justice


Kali is a very misunderstood and feared Goddess. Very often, I have found practitioners are so afraid to petition a destruction Goddess when it is exactly what they need! Anyone looking for change, justice, or for new opportunity, must get rid of the old stagnant energy holding them back, inhibiting their growth and success. Change is not inherently bad, though people always fear it. Winning the lottery is a change too, just a good one! Change can bring so much power, success, and abundance into your life, if you'll only let it happen, destroy the old and welcome the new that you deserve!
That's what Kali is for.

She destroys demons and injustice while creating new opportunities for you to explore new paths to find your greater self. She crushes evil and clears your path of those who wish to harm you are keep you down. She is the mother of all wisdom and the slayer of ego. She slays the egos of those who oppose your right to live as you wish.

Who doesn't want some of that around?! She is an awesome Goddess and if you can take the step to honor her, I know you'll be pleasantly surprised.

This oil is created with a traditional image of her and her sacred oils and herbs; patchouli, amber, and lotus with grains of paradise.

thanks for looking!


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022