Messenger Mojo-Hoodoo-Witchcraft-Voodoo-Wicca-Opens Communication, Returns Lovers, Gets Phone Calls and Results

Messenger Mojo-Hoodoo-Witchcraft-Voodoo-Wicca-Opens Communication, Returns Lovers, Gets Phone Calls and Results


The word "mojo", is a version of the word "mojuba" from West Africa, meaning "to give praise". Mojo's are created from ashe', the natural, invisible power of our mother, the earth. Any natural object such as bones, feathers, earth, stones, roots, etc., contain ashe'. By utilizing and acknowledging the power of such items (called gris gris) you are giving praise to the earth, our mother, and praise to your deity, spirit, ancestor, or saint. Mojos are not about you, they are about giving an offering to God/Goddess and the Fates so that they will consider smiling fortune upon you and granting your request. You must give before you receive.

This mojo helps to encourage the person of your choosing to think of you and call or come over! Great for resolving issues, getting calls about employment, adoption, legal matters, from lovers, lost friends or family. This can be used in any situation that requires the need for you to receive any type of message- be it about love, success, or future!

For optimal results, I've created a mojo by combining lavender, rose, cinnamon, star anise, and mint. Add a few drops of my Messenger oil and you are ready to go! Keep the hand with you as much as possible, even under your pillow when you sleep.

To get a call from a lover or potential lover/mate/date, anoint a pink or red candle with my Messenger oil and envision that person making the call to you. Anoint your phone and add to your floorwash to keep those successful avenues open! Do this spell for 7 days then once a week for 3 weeks after.


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022