Moma's Working Honey Jar -Wicca, Witchcraft, Hoodoo, Voodoo-Draw in Your Desires, Sweeten Them, and Stick Them to You Like Glue-Love, Money

Moma's Working Honey Jar -Wicca, Witchcraft, Hoodoo, Voodoo-Draw in Your Desires, Sweeten Them, and Stick Them to You Like Glue-Love, Money


Honey jars have been used through out history as a type of binding and sweetening magick. The sticky sweet substance is sacred in itself but is best used to sweeten a person or situation in your favor. 

This is a traditionally made honey jar, made in the fashion I was taught by my family. You will receive one 8 ounce jar with organic honey from my neighbor's bees, rose petals, cinnamon stick, a pair of lodestones, 5 sweet liquors and the secret ingredient-not pictured in this jar in order to preserve my recipe. The jar is adorned with an image of Saint Martha which is tradition and an integral part of the jar. You will also receive a bottle of my  "Honey Jar oil" which is my own unique combination of my High John, Come to Me, Mint Bouquet, and Do as I Say oils! Hot damn!

There is room left in the jar so that you may add personal concerns or any other ingredients.

I have included a small white taper candle which you wil need for the working.
You will also need;
-A name paper-written with the name of the target written on it.
-Some of the targets hair, fingernail clippings, soiled clothing, saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids. This step may be omitted. 
-A cigar or cigarette.

Add the name paper, personal concerns, half the bottle of oil, and then light the cigar or cigarette, take a puff then quickly blow it into the jar and seal it tightly. Once a day dress this candle with a bit of my oil. For 5 days, light it and pray for your desired outcome.

You will receive ONE jar, ONE candle, and ONE oil.

This item is heavy and costly for me to create, which is reflected in the charges.

thanks for looking!

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Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022