The Right One Mojo-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft-Helps You Find True Love and A Lasting Relationship

The Right One Mojo-Hoodoo, Voodoo, Witchcraft-Helps You Find True Love and A Lasting Relationship



The word mojo may be a version of the west African word "mojuba" meaning "to give praise".

This is one of my favourite mojo's to make because I have seen it work so well. This mojo has been used for decades by my family and their clients. See what ti can do for you!

Created with home-grown Queen Elizabeth root, cowrie shells, low john root, blessed shells for Oshun, 2 lodestones, star anise, dirt from a the graves of a couple, among other lovely secrets. Adorned with a key to unlock your way to true love. The roots and seeds are all grown and prepared by me.

You must add 5 of your pubic hairs to this mojo for it to work...yeah,I's odd...but just do it;)

Keep this petite mojo with you as much as possible and next to your bed when you sleep. Don't let your desired partner see it or touch it. Your mojo should be anointed or fed regularly with a suitable oil. I have many anointing oils here in my shop that would be very compatible with this mojo, I highly recommend my Orange Sauvage oil.

Client feedback;
"Oh!!! The october before LAST and i can TESTIFY to this very day that it WORKED!!! It took a little patience on my end to RECOGNIZE it's signs and movements but I tell you I am IN LOVE for real and my man LOVES me....i know in my deepest soul that this mojo helped bring him to me (as well as ALOT of praying and weeping to Oshun lol) because literally, when I look back and remember, I met him 2 WEEKS after i received this mojo and we now have a house, a new baby girl, and are engaged :) Thank you so much!!!"

"ever since i've been using the orange sauvage (dabbing it on myself from time to time as well as The Right One mojo you made for me), I've seen him talk more and more positively about marriage. but the most obvious movement I've seen has been recently when I constructed a honey jar (not the one you made for me) for our relationship and for us to have more peaceful communication and more committment and i've been lighting candles with the Orange Sauvage oil and lavender oil (alternating week to week one oil to the other)...ever since I started the honey jar (it was last week i lit candles 5 days in a row and now i'll keep lighting them once a week), he has been talking SO seriously about marriage, asking me where i want to get married. then three days ago one of his brother's came to visit from overseas and he had just gotten married in italy and the two of them were having "man talk" after which he came back said "[name] really made me feel good about getting married"...and just YESTERDAY, he was researching travel to Brazil and Nigeria because I always said I wanted to get married either in Brazil or by the Oshogbo river (Oshun's river) in Nigeria!!! He even went as far as to show me the stash of money he's building up saving up for the travel/wedding! :) he even told all his friends and family now, even his other children's mother! I have been absolutely shocked this whole time because it's happening SO FAST! this oil is the TRUTH! :) thanks once again for a CLASSIC, Moma Sarah!"

As with all hand-made items- PLEASE allow for variations in colours and/or fabrics. Allow each mojo to be made just for the client.

thanks for looking!


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022