Road Opener Service WITH OIL-OCTOBER 12TH- Open Roads to Opportunity and Success, Destroy Blockages

Road Opener Service WITH OIL-OCTOBER 12TH- Open Roads to Opportunity and Success, Destroy Blockages


This listing is for your candle and petition to be lit and offered by me to petiition the opening of roads, removal of obstacles, restoration of success and drawing of opportunities to you! Can be used to help clear and open any situation so the energy is high and free-flowing towards your goals! You'll receive a FREE bottle of my custom road opener formuls sent to you. This formula is unique to the astrological influences of this day and will change with each moth;ly service! You'll never get the same oil twice!

Please leave your request in the "note" section upon payment and I will light a candle, dressed my own prosperity oil, for your goal.

*******************************Please allow up to 72 hours for your photos. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF IT HAS BEEN LESS THAT 72 HOURS.


Thanks for looking!


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022