Tapa Boca/Shut Up Specialty Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Stops Gossip and Lies

Tapa Boca/Shut Up Specialty Oil-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Witchcraft-Stops Gossip and Lies


This oil's name means "shut-up" in spanish, and that's exactly what needs to happen with those who gossip. This oil will make their mouth pucker and shrivel, figuratively of course! Gossip is so harmful and so are the people who believe it and repeat it. Alum crystal puckers the mouth when eaten, this is why it is an ingredient in my oil. It literally and magickally, draws the mouth shut!
I've had my fair share of crap said about me (try being raised as a witch and going to a Christian private school, boy was THAT fun). We all have, we all know how it is. This oil, along with your intent and focus for a few weeks will put an end to it. I say a few weeks because gossip takes a while to stop magickally. You have to weed through everyone it has spread to who keeps repeating it. So give it some time and attention, don't give up and know that you need to stand up for yourself. 
It also helps with court cases, if you don't want the opposing side lying about you to make you look bad, as with custody cases or divorces. Great at work or school, if a co-worker or classmate has been taking all the credit for your hard work! 

Use this oil to anoint the mouth area on a black figure candle of appropriate gender or on a photograph of the target. Say your petition and light a black candle once a day for 9 days.
Good Luck!
Contains vervain, patchouli, bay, alum crystal, and lime. 5ml amber glass bottle with natural cork.

thanks for looking!

curio only, i make no claims as to the use or effects of this item.

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022