Rapid Remover Salts-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Conjure-Wicca-Witchcraft-Puts an end to Jinxes, Crossings, Hexes, Whammies, and Hants

Rapid Remover Salts-Hoodoo-Voodoo-Conjure-Wicca-Witchcraft-Puts an end to Jinxes, Crossings, Hexes, Whammies, and Hants


This is a great salt to have around...just in case.

If things don't seem to be going quite right all of a sudden you can use this salt around the perimeter of your home and in the corners of your main room, or a room that seems to have activity or malevolent spirits, to get things straightened out real quick.

Great to lay down if you've had shady house guests, creepy neighbors, recent break ins in the neighbor hood or if you have someone putting a whammy on you.

Good for putting up a barrier between you and hants or tricky spirits too.

This salt is created with camphor and peppermint oils, among other fine ingredients, so DO NOT touch your eyes or mouth after handling-WASH immediately! This stuff is no joke.

You will receive a 3x4 inch zip bag. Contact me if you need a larger quantity.

thanks for looking!


curio only.

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Moma Sarah


Reviewed by on Sep 26, 2022